Brandon's Portfolio


Experiential Learning Project

For this project I chose to work with a local preschool that was still using paper and pencil to track payments and registration for all of their programs. The system I designed and implemented was tailored to be as intuitive and easy to use as possible while still retaining the functionality I was required to add. To access the parts that I have developed, look to the toolbar for a 'NavBar' option, and click that which will open the submenu, and click 'NavBar' again. The bar will open on the right of your screen.

As a note, the linked system has been wiped of all information about the preschool.

Direct Link: Screenshot of Payment Log sheet

Very Limited display:

Network Map

This networking project was a great opprotunity to map my home network and document the entirety of it. To date, I have used the documentations I produced from this numerous times, most recently to find a damaged cable between my router and switch. This corresponds greatly to my field in IT where I will be having to both write and create documentation for a number of systems, as well as use that documentation to actively troubleshoot issues as they arise.

Network Map image with MACs censored Most services hosted on SUZ-SERV